Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happiness, no more be sad....

This will be my first ever gratitude list. I think I need to check in with myself and be grateful for some of the small stuff.... Hope its ok.

  • A snow delay for La Petit Prince today. We got to stay in bed a little later and snuggle and watch morning TV together.
  • A warm bowl of chicken noodle soup brought to me for lunch by a work buddy.
  • An unexpected phone call from my Prince today. He was at my Dads breaking up the ice and spending some time with him. He just called me to share that and didn't ask me for anything.
  • Wow. This gratitude thing is harder than I thought.
  • My blogger buddy Tab who stops by every day and always leaves me beautiful heartfelt comments that leave me feeling warm and special.
  • My Dad is still here. 2 years and 4 months after his "death sentence"
  • My health. Watching my dad slowly and painfully deteriorate lets me see just how very important this really is and how easily I take it for granted.
  • My children, they may drive me nuts, but I cant imagine my life without them.
  • A long lost love making contact again. It may go nowhere fast but it makes me feel young and silly and good inside again.

So how did I do?


Anonymous said...

Geeseee you have to ask?
How do YOU feel after writing a list like that Kel...??

wow..I loved it.
I read in this list
a life being lived
and loved...
and learing in the process.
You kick ass dudette..
share those lists more often will ya!I bet it helps you too ?!

Anonymous said...

*lol..learning not learing..!

Nettie said...

Nice list. I know how difficult it can be sometimes. I also understand that giggling thing you're talking about. ENJOY!