My world is, for the moment, calm. Just dealing with the little everyday dramas that the working Moms of the world deal with everyday. No more, no less. Thankfully, also being the mother of an addict, I have nothing to report on that front.
The Prince seems to be doing OK. He is still working full-time. He called this morning asking if he had his own
skis, as he was planning a ski trip in January with his girlfriend and some other couples. Planning a ski trip!!! Like a normal child! (I know I know, normal is relative) But still, it just made me feel good to hear him making plans to do something constructive.
I offered to borrow a set of
skis from the man I am seeing, as he used to be an avid skier. The Prince graciously declined my offer, as he did not want to borrow some one
elses skis in case something happened to them. Could this be... Responsible thinking??
As the summer days blended quietly into autumn, I have found myself spending more and more time with the new guy. Things are mostly good, and we are becoming rather comfortable together. Comfort finds me wanting to cook for him, and
alot more nights on the couch watching movies and eating junk food. Comfort has me wearing my fat jeans to the office today as my normal work clothes seem to be shrinking at an alarming rate. I have always had body image issues and this is not good for me. Imagine my horror when my office mate
told me yesterday that I was looking curvy and that I should maybe think up upgrading my clothing size!! Today, as she walked behind me back up the stairs after a fire drill, she whispered to me that she was going to start calling me "Big Butt". She tried to back it up, like now I finally have a butt and it looks good etc. But really? Who says these kinds of things? And now it could well make me not enjoy the amazing cheese fondue I have planned for tonight....